These students are patiently praying for scholarships.

Want to sponsor a student in central Africa? It's easy! Scroll down and take a look at all of our dedicated students. Select the student you'd like to sponsor. You'll want to write down his name as you'll need it to complete the information form. Click on the photo. Fill out the information form. We'll contact you by email to work out the details.


$40 per month provides a scholarship for one student.
Yaoundé Bible Institute
New Students will be added soon.


$40 per month provides a scholarship for one student.

Bessao Bible Institute

New Students will be added soon.

Goré Bible Institute

New Students will be added soon.


Central African Republic

$40 per month provides a scholarship for one student.

Mbaiki Bible Institute

Hilaire Nangueyo

Francis Amedi

Nestor Apatita

Gedeon Bendima

Mauris Bouina

Dieudonne Boukar

Ghislain Dakati

Stanis Enza

Jean Paul Gbaguene

Hilaire Goton

Imec Koro

Jean Nestor Mandata

Gael Molekpo

Barnabe Moussa

Jerome Ndolobo

E. Hernes Ndongomal

Jean Ndota

Saint Petonzopa

Patrict Wagbenou

Seraphin Watende

Joel Wedane

Dieu Zongayassi

Bata Bible Institute

Cyriack Ndouba

Kevin Matou

Dieu Beni Ngakoutou

 Sylvestre Seneouile

Ambrose Aladefeina

Salomon Mada

Innocent Mitouya

Magloire Yapele

Esau Ngaro

Jeremie Deganai

Marcelin Namngana

Jean Bruno Angam

Michael Beina

Ordi Bemandji

Guy Bere

Dieudonne Boundjilm

Alfred Dengahoro

Benjamin Feindiri

Mathias Koe

Herman Fioyoumoria

Levi Guid-Namsse

Bertin Kidama

Christoph Kobolo

Clement Foiyanguele

Alias Kohle

Kevin Ndouba

Alphonse Kpanga

Yekoua Mbainde

Christian Moirobo

Francis Mondjoudje

Josue Namkoisse

Hurbin Ndingkpi

Appolinaire Nendouba

Ferdinand Ngaodande

Jacob Rekiantei

Jonathan Remahoroi

Andre Remiromole

Esaie Senekosse

Ange Toumandji

Fidele Yandoko

Aime Zenguendji

Batangafo Bible Institute

Manasse Dawi

Osias Dalazou

Mardochee Mborboua

Roger Kossi

Samedi Moyoukpona

Bossangoa Bible Institute

Appolinaire Dembeasse

Daniel Kodomokoina (he was in the village on picture day!)

Honors Ndomon

Jean de Dieu Wanfei

Jonas Nambaribona

Lucien Kazomon

Nico Zindji

Jeremie Ngaisson

Priva Samba

Wilfried Weibo

Boniface Befei

Brice Ngaissio

Ghislain Koti

Jean Mari Feindiri

Marus Nambozouina

Policarpe Dore

Serges Natacha

Thomas Noganawane

Tite Ngoundemi

Alain Anagaza

The James Gribble Leadership Training Center
$120 a month provides a scholarship for one Seminary family

Pierre Gonifio

Guy-Blaise Gongofiobene

Matthieu Farangaya

Bertin Beorofei